Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Pedagogy of Blogs

I am thrilled for the blogging unit this week. Blogging is one of my personal hobbies and as much as I have done it and enjoy looking at other people's blogs, it never once crossed my mind to incorporate blogging into a classroom setting. I can guarantee that I will be using a blog one day as a future teacher. What a brilliant idea! In researching educational blogs, I discovered that there are many different kinds out there. Each one is different. Here are a few of my favorites and why:

This is one of the examples listed on Blackboard but it's my very favorite.
1) Mrs. Cassidy uses a lot of pictures and video to show what is happening in her 1st grade class. I found myself watching endless video clips of these darling kids that I didn't even know. As a parent, I would love to watch clips of my children making profound statements and learning. Parents miss out on a lot of that because they aren't in the classrooms. The videos give parents an interactive experience with the classroom.
2) On the right hand side of the page, there are links to each child. They have their own personal blogs as well that include video and poetry or writing assignments they have done. A lot of the educational blogs have this feature. is the host website of this educational blog.

2. Making Teachers Nerdy

This is a really cool blog that lists many, many different educational blogs or resources for education. In fact, I think that I will be referring to this blog a few times in the upcoming years of teaching. Here is the link to one of the listed 4th grade blogs on the website. It is titled Mrs. O'Brien's 4th Grade Blog. One feature of this blog that I really like is that on the right hand side, she lists what they are studying and has links to websites and assignments of what they are currently working on. Parents could stay updated on what core curriculum is being discussed in class to be able to help their kids with homework.

3. Educational Reviews

This blog is a little different than the other two. There are seriously so many blogs out there that have links to great resources. This blog is an actual resource itself. It was created by a teacher and a mom and contains a lot of different plans/games/ideas for teaching. Teachers could use blogs like this to contribute to their classrooms and give them ideas of how to format their own blogs.

Finally, a good educational blog host website is Edublogs. It is just like Blogger, which I am familiar with and obviously using now, but it's targeted specifically for educational purposes. I think if I were to create a blog for a class I would create one through that website.

I just thought I would include a few cartoons to provide a little laughter. :)

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